Trump Tells Hillary to Run Again
A cornered Donald Trump prowled the presidential contend stage on Sunday, threatening to jail an opponent he chosen "the devil" in a concluding-ditch bid to staunch his hemorrhaging campaign hopes.
Swaying basely behind Hillary Clinton as she parried attacks on everything from her husband's sexual practice life to Wall Street and her foreign policy judgment, the Republican dominated the night merely made fiddling effort to seduce new voters.
Instead, he began the nighttime past assembling a group of women in a press briefing to revisit alleged sexual assaults by Bill Clinton, before confronting his opponent hardest on her private email server.
"OK Donald, I know you lot are into big diversion tonight," shot back Clinton. "Annihilation to go away from your campaign and how Republicans are deserting y'all.
"Everything you accept heard from Donald just at present is not truthful. I am deplorable to keep saying this simply he lives in an alternative reality," she added.
The Democratic frontrunner fired off occasional attacks of her own, accusing Trump of being in the pocket of Vladimir Putin, merely looked rattled by the brutal onslaught over her tape in office.
Trump, embracing the spirit of the "lock her up" mob chants at his rallies, threatened: "If I win I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation – at that place has never been so many lies then much deception," he threatened.
Clinton said it was "awfully practiced" that someone with the temperament of Trump was not in charge of the constabulary in the country, provoking another Trump jab: "Because yous'd exist in jail."
"She got caught in a total lie and now she is blaming the lie on the belatedly, bang-up Abraham Lincoln," added Trump equally Clinton attempted to defend leaked Wall Street speech transcripts.
The Republican'southward leonine menace even turned on the moderators at Washington University, enervating half a dozen times why they were interrupting him but non asking tougher questions of Clinton.

Within moments of the candidates meeting on stage – without shaking hands – the nighttime sank into an ugly state of war of words between two nominees devoid of civility, a spectacle dissimilar whatever presidential fence in recent memory.
After briefly sticking to full general talking points about Barack Obama'south tape and the need to "make America great again", Trump was easily baited into a contentious commutation with Clinton.
The sparring followed shortly later Trump was asked to address the recently leaked 2005 video which captured him bragging about groping women without their consent. The one-time reality Tv set star apologized, saying he was "embarrassed by it", but brushed off every bit "locker room talk" the unguarded content that has sent dozens of Republican lawmakers fleeing from his candidacy.
"I have great respect for women. Nobody has more respect for women than I do," Trump said.
Clinton responded that the leaked video revealed "what he thinks almost women, what he does to women".
"He has said that the video doesn't correspond who he is. But I recall it's clear to anyone who heard information technology that it represents exactly who he is," Clinton said.
"With prior Republican nominees for president, I disagreed with them. Politics, policies, principles … but I never questioned their fitness to serve," she added. "Donald Trump is different."
The existent estate mogul was visibly fuming, scowling and pacing as Clinton spoke. Shedding any semblance of contrition over the video, Trump pounced on the indiscretions of Neb Clinton while raising unproven accusations that the former president had assaulted women.
"At that place'southward never been anybody in the history of politics that'due south been then abusive to women," Trump said. "Mine are words and his are action."
Failing to hit back, Clinton invoked first lady Michelle Obama'southward memorable spoken communication at the Democratic national convention in July: "When they go low, we go loftier."
Only Trump was in no mood to switch gears. His rejoinder to Clinton's criticism of Trump'due south rhetoric against immigrants, Muslims, prisoners of war and women was to falsely pin conspiracy theories surrounding Obama's birthplace on Clinton's 2008 campaign – even though Trump rose to political prominence on a crusade to obtain the president's birth certificate.
The fence turned even chillier every bit the topic turned to Clinton'southward use of a private electronic mail server equally secretarial assistant of state – and Trump's bulldozing attack caused damage.
"You lot ought to exist aback of yourself," Trump told his rival, jabbing his finger repeatedly in her direction.
Clinton once over again attacked Trump for his praise for Vladimir Putin and noted the repeated cyber-attacks by Russian-backed hackers in an endeavour to influence the ballot. "The Kremlin, significant Putin and the Russian government, are directing attacks on American accounts to influence our election. WikiLeaks is part of that," said Clinton. She added: "Never in history has a foreign power [worked] so difficult to influence effect of election."
Trump responded by suggesting "maybe there is no hacking" and disclaimed any ties to Russia. "I don't know Putin, I retrieve it would be great if we got along with Russia simply I don't know Putin." He went to insist: "I know aught well-nigh Russia."
Merely right at the end of a verbally violent ninety minutes was there a brief truce when the candidates were asked to name one positive thing about each other. "I respect his children," said Clinton subsequently showtime throwing back her head and laughing.
"She doesn't quit," responded Trump. "She doesn't give upwardly. She'due south a fighter and I consider that to be a very good trait."
While the debate was widely characterized as both bitter and nasty, Clinton'south entrada was confident voters were capable of discerning the difference between the two candidates.
"There was only one president on the phase this evening," Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon told reporters in the spin room.
"There was merely one person that showed the demeanor, the temperament, the resolve and the subject to actually exist president."
He then added of Trump: "Everything from his meandering answers on policy, which showed a consummate lack of agreement on important issues like Syrian arab republic and healthcare, to his body language on phase where he was menacingly stalking her during parts of her answers, suggested that this is not someone with the temperament to exist president of the United States."
Jason Miller, senior communications adviser to the Republican's campaign, argued that when Trump "turned the Honest Abe question around on Mrs Clinton that was a knockout".
Trump supporters in the spin room also stood by their candidate in the wake of the latest audio revelations. Ben Carson, a former primary flavour rival of the Republican nominee, insisted that when Trump made those remarks "that was a very different time in his life and at that fourth dimension he was a billionaire playboy and the language that he used was consistent with that".
Old New York mayor Rudy Giuliani too dismissed the wave of Republicans who had appear in the past 48 hours that they were no longer voting for Trump. "Sometimes Republicans become a little weak-kneed," said Giuliani. "I happen to exist a Republican with very strong knees."
Only 2 Republican officials were in the spin room to praise Trump's performance: longtime Trump ally Senator Jeff Sessions and congressman Jason Smith of Missouri. When asked almost the paucity of Republican elected officials defending Trump after the debate, Smith told the Guardian: "I am reminded of what my grandad told me, that 'people will hurt you a lot to assist themselves a footling' and elected officials that are willing to go out and have kneejerk reactions when they are losing the focus of problems, that is the problem."
The Missouri Republican went on to dismiss those who take abandoned Trump, adding: "Most of the people who have been leaving were concluding to make it and first to leave and what we have to know and remember as a party that we are fighting for principles and bug and don't make personality such a large role."

Nigel Farage, interim leader of the UK Independence Political party, was also in the spin room to defend Trump and attack Clinton as a threat to commonwealth. "If y'all value democracy and if you value being in control of your own destiny then y'all have to decline Hillary Clinton'southward ideas. Uncomplicated," said Farage.
An hr before the debate started, Trump sought to distract attention away a newly released recording of him boasting of molesting women by staging a surprise stunt to highlight claims once made against his opponent's hubby.
Despite recently claiming that he would rather the 2d presidential contend exist about "policy" rather than "in the gutter", the Republican nominee held the extraordinary 3-infinitesimal printing event with four women who accept accused Pecker and Hillary Clinton of wrongdoing. Ane of them claimed: "Bill Clinton raped me and Hillary Clinton threatened me."
Speaking in a conference room to handful of reporters in an event aired on Facebook Live, Trump appeared with Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick, Kathy Shelton and Kathleen Willey. Three of the iv women accept claimed inappropriate sexual contact with Beak Clinton, which he has denied. Shelton was the victim of a 1975 rape where Hillary Clinton was assigned by an Arkansas court to represent her assailant.
The women took turns in speaking after Trump praised them as very mettlesome. They then joined him in the debate hall as guests.
"Nosotros're not surprised to run into Donald Trump go along his destructive race to the bottom," said Clinton spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri in response to the press conference.
"Hillary Clinton understands the opportunity in this town hall is to talk to voters on stage and in the audience well-nigh the issues that matter to them, and this stunt doesn't change that."
The press stunt came just 48 hours after a tape was released of Trump making obscene boasts about using his fame to buss and grope women without their consent. The tape defenseless Trump on a live microphone with then-Admission Hollywood host Billy Bush in 2005, and includes the statement "I am automatically attracted to cute women. I just showtime kissing them. Information technology'due south like a magnet. Just kiss, I don't even wait … and when you're a star they allow you exercise information technology. You tin do annihilation." Trump, who was and so 59 years old and newly married to his tertiary wife, Melania, added "Grab them by the pussy. You tin practise anything."
Although the Republican nominee issued a videotaped apology after midnight on Friday, the mounting controversy has led to a growing number of Republicans to announce that they volition not vote for Trump in November. These included the party's 2008 nominee, John McCain, likewise as a number of other senators in tight re-election battles including Rob Portman of Ohio and Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire.
Many have argued in favour of letting Trump'southward running mate, Indiana's governor, Mike Pence, fight the balance of the election confronting Clinton, even though such a scenario remains highly unlikely under Republican party regulations.
Trump is struggling to overcome deep scepticism among women voters, which has led to plummeting poll numbers in contempo days and risks putting his chances of winning the presidency out of attain.
Clinton appeared to be in a jovial mood following the argue, chatting and laughing with married man Nib and members of her staff at the front of her plane dorsum to New York.
Before departing St Louis, she came back to talk to reporters.
Asked if she was aware of Trump continuing behind her as she answered questions, Clinton let out a laugh. "I could tell, aye," she said. "Well, it was a very small infinite and I tried to give him space when he was talking to people. I would go dorsum and lean up against my stool, but he was very present."
She added: "I was surprised by the accented avalanche of falsehoods. I really notice it nigh unimaginable that someone could stand and merely tell falsehood subsequently falsehood.
"Yous all remember Politifact said that he was the about untruthful candidate they'd ever evaluated … I think they said he was 70% untruthful and so I think he exceeded that percentage tonight."
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