Too Yacht to Handle Nail Art

Hi there!

Finally, one of the most beautiful polishes in my stash - China Glaze 'too yacht to handle'.

Konačno, evo jednog od najljepših lakova u mojoj kolekciji - China Glaze 'too yacht to handle'.

 China Glaze 'too yacht to handle' two coats, no topcoat, outside, sun / dva sloja, bez nadlaka, vani, na suncu

 China Glaze 'too yacht to handle', two coats, no topcoat, outside, shade / dva sloja, bez nadlaka, vani, u sjeni

 China Glaze 'too yacht to handle', two coats, no topcoat, inside, artificial light / dva sloja, bez nadlaka, unutra, pod umjetnim svjetlom

First of all, I must say that the photos doesn't show the true color of it. I was surfing the web in search for the most accurate color, but they all look wrong - just like mine. Camera captures the blue part of spectra, but in reality it has more green.

'Too yacht to handle' is part of China Glaze Sunsational Collection from last spring/summer season. This one is mint creme, with tricky formula, as in all mint creme polishes. You must be careful while polishing, otherwise you may end up with some bald spots. Drying time is great, finish is glossy... And I'm absolutely in love with color love struck.

Moram odmah reći kako fotke ne prikazuju realnu boju. Pokušavala sam na internetu pronaći kakav vjerodostojan swatch, no svi su mi izgledali pogrešno - baš kao i moj. Kamera lakše uhvati plavi dio spektra, no u stvarnosti malo više naginje ka zelenoj.

'Too yacht to handle' je dio China Glaze Sunsational Kolekcije od prošle godine. Ovo je mint krema, s nešto zeznutijom formulom, kao kod većine mint krem lakova. Morate biti pažljive dok ga nanosite, inače Vam se može desiti da završite s ćelavim mjestima. Vrijeme sušenja mi je super, završnica sjajna... i totalno sam zaljubljena u boju love struck.

I found few bottles in my stash that look similar, so I compared them.RH Victoria 303 is a bit lighter on nail, andChina Glaze 'aquadelic' has even more blue in it. On photos taken in the sun the difference between them is even less visible. All of them in two coats. So, they look alike, but they are all unique, and I need them all big grin.

U svojoj kolekciji imam par bočica koje izgledaju slično, pa sam ih usporedila.RH Victoria 303 je nešto svjetlija na noktu, aChina Glaze 'aquadelic' u sebi ima više plave. Na fotkama sa sunca je razlika jedva vidljiva. Tu su svi u dva sloja. Izgledaju slično, ali svaki je na svoj način unikatan, i ja ih apsolutno trebam sve big grin.

Here you can see how 'too yacht to handle' looks like comparing with deBBy Sand 04. DeBBy is one shade lighter I'd say. Once more, pretty close, but not the same.

Gore možete vidjeti kako 'too yacht to handle' izgleda u usporedbi s deBBy Sand 04... DeBBy je  tek za nijansu svjetlija, čini mi se. Još jednom, prilično blizu, ali definitivno različiti, ako ni zbog čeg drugog a ono zbog finiša.

Do you have a favorite in this bunch?

Let me show you the manicure with 'too yacht to handle'.

Imate li svog favorita u gornjoj hrpici?

Da Vam pokažem još i manikuru s 'too yacht to handle'.

O.K. this is not that bad... except the part of smeared design. But I wanted to achieve something completely different.

Dobro, nije ovo tako loše... osim činjenice da je nadlak razmrljao djelove dizajna. No, htjela sam postići nešto sasvim drugačije.

I told you, not bad but not like that ring. I still like it, how about you?

Rekoh Vam, nije loše ali na kraju uopće ne liči na prsten. Meni se svejedno sviđa, a Vama?

Thanks for stopping by, Žana

Too Yacht to Handle Nail Art


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